I graduated with honours in Agriculture (Viticulture major) in 1990 and earned my MSc degree in Plant Physiology in 1995 from University of Belgrade, Serbia. I did my PhD in form of a sandwich-program supported by DAAD at University of Hohenheim, Germany under the supervision of Volker Römheld (1997-1998) and received my PhD degree in Agricultural Sciences from the University of Belgrade in 1999. I completed two post-docs in Plant Nutritional Physiology, first with Volker Römheld at University of Hohenheim (1999-2001), working on iron dynamics in the leaf apoplast; then with Roberto Pinton and Zeno Varanini at University of Udine, working on root-to-shoot nitrate transolcation and anion uptake by leaf cells. In 2003, I returned to University of Belgrade, and was employed as a senior research fellow at the Institute for Multidisciplinary Research. In 2007, I was promoted to the highest academic rank equivalent to a full professor. My research focuses mainly on plant nutrient uptake and recently I enjoy working on the manifold roles of silicon in alleviating mineral stresses in crops. I was recipient of the first Prize of Serbian Ministry of Science and Technology for outstanding research (2004), two competitive research fellowships granted by DAAD (1997 and 2004) and two visiting professorships (Erasmus Mundus-EU, 2008 and Bologna University-Italy, 2011 and 2015). I am currently serving as a consulting editor of the international journal Plant and Soil. For further information please go to my curriculum vitae.